A bit about me


Over the past 35 odd years I have gone from being totally confounded by cooking to enjoying the exercise of creating quick healthy meals without expending too much energy. When you are a working lady, it gets exceedingly difficult to juggle working hours, home, family and preparing nutritious, low cost and healthy meals in a hurry.

I guess it comes from having conducted time management training courses in the corporate world. When I get back from a long day at the office and then step into the kitchen to rustle up dinner, I need to have the basic, regularly used ingredients on hand. In other words, things like fried onions, garlic, ginger, green chillies, ground spices etc. are always stored in my freezer. But I will give you more details about this later.

I am predominantly a pescatarian.

So, from now on I plan to share my vast treasure trove of cooking tips and tricks with you.

I suggest that you read my blogs in order as I will give you building blocks, which will make you quick and efficient in the kitchen too.

You will come across a lot of simple recipes from around the world including a variety of Indian dishes. Forget the tedious and embrace simplicity – that is my mantra!

Finally, I enjoy interaction. So, if you have a problem, post it beneath my blog and I will try and respond at the earliest.

Welcome aboard!