POST 8: Making Fresh Herbs Last Longer


The one thing that always bugged me was when I took out fresh herbs from my fridge and they looked limp and slimy…

This had me thinking about how best to make them last longer…


Now when I buy fresh coriander, I trim off the roots, fill my sink with water and gently but thoroughly wash the whole bunch. I change the water twice more till there is no dirt visible in the water. Just be careful not to damage the tender leaves.

I spin the herbs dry in my salad spinner and place them between a few layers of kitchen paper in a large air tight box. Now I have fresh coriander for the next two to three weeks. It is washed and ready to use in a hurry.


Give it the same treatment as coriander above.


This herb had me foxed. I tried placing the stems side in a glass of water both inside and then outside the fridge but before very long it had departed for the happy hunting grounds. Darn!!!

Now when I buy this herb, I place it in my high-speed blender along with two medium sized chopped tomatoes, a clove of garlic and a few roasted pine nuts. The paste, I mean pesto, goes into ice cube trays and into my freezer. Now I have basil at call.

I also have basil growing in a pot on my kitchen counter. The trick to making this plant last the whole season is to just trim off the tips each time you need some. The plant will love you for it and thrive. Free of pesticides!!!


Place this in a jar with some extra virgin olive oil and blend with a stick blender. You can now freeze this in cubes. Easy!

Bay Leaf:

Store fresh bay leaves in a small air tight box in the freezer. Simple!

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