POST 1: Low cost and healthy meals in a hurry


It’s Anzac Day holiday in our beautiful land down under. Glorious sunshine on a cool autumn day – Perfect! What a great time to start sharing my 35 plus years of cooking tips with the wider world.

It all started when I got married and moved into my new home in Calcutta. All I could do was scramble the darn eggs, forget about trying to boil the blasted things. Cooking had me confounded. Well, 35 years and counting, I have accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience all out of recipe books, well meaning neighbours, friends and how can I forget, Mum.

When you are a working lady, it gets exceedingly difficult to juggle working hours, home, family and preparing nutritious, low cost and healthy meals in a hurry.

So from now on, I plan to share my vast treasure trove of cooking tips and tricks with you!!!

For starters, I am predominantly a pescatarian – had me foxed the first time I read that term! Google it 😊

Tip #1:

Make your freezer your best tool in the kitchen. Use it smartly, LABEL each item that goes in and rotate the items in it regularly. Put the thing you put in last, right at the bottom. That way the oldest item is within easy reach. Keep a sheet of sticky labels and a pen close by so you never get lazy about doing this. It will pay you back.

If you let food go off, it will impact your hip pocket. As simple as that. Learn to use EVERYTHING in your fridge and freezer.

Tip # 2:

Use your microwave. It will save you heaps of time and energy. It will warn you when it has finished so you can move around and put the wash in or hang it out, check the kids homework or just catch up with emails on your iPad / phone.

Finally, I will drill down further next time – wait for it!

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