Home Made Greek Yoghurt


1 Litre A2 Milk full fat 

1 heaped Tablespoon yogurt (to be used as a starter) You can buy a small tub of Jalna Biodynamic yogurt to start with. 


1. Boil the milk in a pan or microwave it in a large bowl till it bubbles up to the rim. 

2. Cool to blood heat. 

3. Pre-heat a fan forced over to 100°C. 

4. Remove and discard the skin off the milk and add the yogurt culture. Whisk with a hand whisk till yogurt is incorporated into the milk. 

5. Pour into the dish you want to set the yogurt in. Place in the middle shelf of the oven, cover and switch off the oven. 

6. Leave to set for 5 to 6 hours. Try not to leave it any longer than this as it will get sour to taste. 

This yogurt can be used for the next batch of yogurt you would like to make. It is packed full of probiotics. 
