POST 6: Tofu is Tasteless - Really?


I usually end up throwing a packet of firm tofu into my shopping trolley most weekends but get extremely lazy about cooking with it. Why? Because it tastes like nothing…

On one such occasions I threw it into my freezer and forgot about it till inspiration, or call it guilt, struck. I took it out, peeled off the packaging, put it into a microwavable dish and thawed it. When I took it out, it was soft but overly wet.

So, I squeezed out the liquid, cut it into thin one-inch slices and added it to my miso soup. Hey presto! The tofu absorbed all the flavour and actually tasted good. I had accidentally stumbled on a way of working with tofu without the need to deep fry it. Now that is a healthy alternative!

Try my Miso soup recipe – it’s quick, nutritious and packed full of vegetables.

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