POST 3: Garlic Smells, Ginger is a Pain to Prep!


I cannot do without throwing a bit of garlic into most recipes… but it leaves a strong odour behind on your skin, which is mighty difficult to get rid of.

Problem solved…

1.    You can buy a bag of ready peeled garlic at the markets or most Chinese green grocers.

2.    Rinse it thoroughly, place it in a jar and use a stick blender to crush it into a fine paste.

3.    Pour it into an ice cube tray. Place carefully in a plastic bag, seal tightly and freeze.

4.    Unmould and place the cubes in an airtight box. I don’t bother removing the garlic box from the freezer. Just top it up each time you run out.

Now for ginger…

1.     Buy about 500 gms or more of ginger. Wash thoroughly with a brush removing the ugly bits.

2.     Chop roughly and blend to a paste. Use as little water as possible whilst blending.

3.     Freeze in ice cube trays. Unmould and store in an airtight box – it will stay fresh for months on end.

You now have the staples of most Indian recipes ready on hand in your freezer ie. Fried onions, fresh ginger and garlic.

Did you know that if you rubbed your hands with a steel spoon under running water, most cooking odours eg. Garlic etc. will dissipate quite quickly leaving your hands smelling normal again.