POST 4: Optimum Health at Every Stage in Life


Food is such an intrinsic part of our everyday lives. It sustains us in such a myriad of ways. If used correctly, it can be a proactive approach to maintaining optimum health at every stage in life.

In our current information age, we have been bombarded with all sorts of incentives to stay healthy. I tend to follow one simple rule: “Buy NOTHING processed”.

This means that if you read a label, which has gobbledegook on it and a lot of numbers, ditch it immediately. Be a label sceptic. If it says vegetable oil, which has a very insidious ingredient namely palm oil, then ditch it straight away. Buy lots of vegetables, some fruit and skip anything that says “light” or “diet”. This is a marketing gimmick that you should stay clear of.

Chicken in my lunch takeaway?

What is your take on eating battery or cage chickens? Most restaurants will use this cheaper variety to cut costs. So, if you can skip this in your takeaway lunches then you are doing body and gut a huge favour. Life is full of speedbumps so why add to them by consuming this ingredient, which is so packed full of hormones and antibiotics?

Spices in a flash

Do you like Indian cuisine? If you do then here are a few tips you should adopt:

1.  Buy whole spices eg. Coriander and Cumin seeds.
These two are used in almost all Indian recipes

2.  Roast them separately in a dry pan. Once the pan is hot, start agitating the seeds till they just begin to change colour and start getting fragrant. Be verrrry vigilant as they can burn and turn bitter very easily.

3.  Tip into a large plate and allow to cool.

4.  Grind to a fine powder in your coffee grinder.

5.  Store tightly sealed in a zip lock back in your freezer. They will stay fresh and fragrant for years.

Check out the Recipe section for quick easy recipes.